June 28, 2024

from Croatia


June 26, 2024

biking past a random doorway


June 25, 2024

too hot for a picnic


June 24, 2024

b. June 24, 1927


June 23, 2024

biking, Motley Coffee House


June 22, 2024

at Blaisdell Park


June 21, 2024

across the street


June 20, 2024

at Pueblito Mexican restaurant 


June 19, 2024

family at a train station in Europe


June 18, 2024

Speedee at the Monrovia McDonald’s, Rt. 66

June 17, 2024

the squirrel that keeps pulling down my string lights


June 14, 2024

lunch with Colleen


June 13, 2024

first visit to the lake in nine months


June 12, 2024

Dara, here in Cologne, called today from Vienna.


June 11, 2024


June 10, 2024

dinner and a movie


June 9, 2024



June 8, 2024

coyote near Bill’s


June 7, 2024

from Ct., the last day of soccer season


June 5, 2024

Fine Arts Foundation board


June 4, 2024

There’s a movie set on my bike route.


June 3, 2024



June 2, 2024

a wall of succulents


June 1, 2024

photo by Reine at the Art Walk, Shariff Gallery